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SA Students Attend Nicklaus Children’s Hospital Dance Marathon Retreat 2023

Saint Andrews Dance Marathon Group Pic

* Written by Margaux Muhletaler '25. 

On Saturday, December 16, 2023, seven Saint Andrew’s students dedicated their day to a meaningful cause by attending the Dance Marathon retreat. The highlight of their experience was the day spent at the Nicklaus Children's Hospital in Miami. Immersed in the hospital's environment, the students gained firsthand insights into the critical work done at the facility.

They learned not only about the medical challenges faced by the young patients but also discovered the profound impact of participating in the Dance Marathon. Witnessing the resilience of the children and the compassionate care provided by the hospital staff, the students left with a deeper understanding of the significance of their involvement in Dance Marathon and the positive change it brings to the lives of those in need.

Students were also introduced to the inspiring Oliver Patch Project (OPP) during a special event where they had the honor of meeting the founders and creators of this impactful initiative. OPP, a nonprofit corporation, is dedicated to empowering children and teens facing life-changing milestone events during their cancer journey. The project provides a source of joy and connection through unique patches created by artists and designers exclusively for these young warriors. As the students learned about OPP's mission to spread positivity and create a free, engaging platform for families undergoing cancer treatment, they were deeply moved by the dedication of the founders. The encounter not only provided insight into the incredible work of the project but also inspired the students to further support and engage with the OPP's mission of bringing sunshine to the lives of children and teens nationwide.

By the end of the retreat, Saint Andrew’s achieved recognition for their outstanding contributions. The institution was honored with the prestigious Lifetime Giving Level Award, signifying a remarkable donation of $100,000 or more. This significant contribution showcased Saint Andrew’s commitment to philanthropy and underscored their dedication to making a lasting impact on the causes they support. Additionally, the institution received a Recognition Award, acknowledging their remarkable fundraising efforts from the previous year, totaling an impressive $33,064. These awards reflect the generosity of Saint Andrew’s and serve as a testament to their ongoing commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of those in need through their active participation in the Dance Marathon.



In addition to the enriching retreat, Saint Andrew’s Dance Marathon (SADM) is thrilled to announce an upcoming Dance Marathon event scheduled for Friday, February 9 from 6:00 - 10:00 p.m. in Mariani Hall. This event holds a special purpose as it aims to raise funds for the Nicklaus Children's Hospital. Students from SADM are rallying the community and extending a warm welcome to everyone interested in joining this charitable endeavor. By dancing the night away, participants will not only have a great time but also contribute to a noble cause — supporting the vital work of the Nicklaus Children's Hospital in Miami. The event symbolizes a collective effort to positively impact the lives of children and families facing medical challenges. Save the date, as your presence at the Dance Marathon will help bring hope and healing to those in need at the Nicklaus Children's Hospital.

Click here for more information. 

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